The Fury in the Jury

Season 9, Episode 9
Air Date: November 15, 2013


Brennan is a juror on the case of professional soccer player Peter Kidman (guest star Brandon Quinn) who is accused of murdering his wife. When she uses pure objectivity to help prove the killer not guilty, his best friend and a key witness in the case turns up dead. The Jeffersonian team must work together to prove that the soccer star was in fact guilty of killing both his wife and his friend.

Squintern: Carla Gallo as Daisy Wick
Directed by Dwight Little

Episode Recaps



Bones 9×09 Promo “The Fury in the Jury”

Jury Duty from “Fury In The Jury”
Brennan is a juror on the case of a professional soccer player (guest star Brandon Quinn) accused of murdering his wife.

Brennan’s Idea Of Relaxation from “Fury In The Jury”
Brennan plans to clear her head from the murder trial by going to the lab to look at a murder victim.

Juror Summoned from “Fury In The Jury”
Brennan’s trip back to the lab is cut short when she gets a call from the court.