Category Archives: Recap

Bones Season 9 Episode 2 Review – The Cheat in the Retreat

Bones Season 9, Episode 2
“The Cheat in the Retreat”
Air Date: September 23, 2013

A body is found in a trash container when two Animal Control officials attend a call of a bob cat. When they caught the bob cat they found he is actually eating a human arm.

Meanwhile, Cam and Arastoo are stopped on their way to work by a very racist official. When Cam starts to argue with him, he asked for her ID and found out she is wanted by the authorities, accused of check and credit card fraud and is arrested.

Going back to the case, Booth and Brennan got to the crime scene where Hodgins, as usual, is digging into the trash container examining the remains, and Brennan found out that the skull is missing; with that Hodgins informed her that sometimes bob cats climb trees and hide the food, so they find the skull up on a tree.

Cam got to the lab and informed everybody there (Arastoo, Angela and Brennan) that she has been victim of identity theft … poor Cam goes through a lot of stress because of it, thinking she has to go through it by herself, but soon, everybody shows her it doesn’t have to be that way.

Because the bob cat destroyed almost the whole face it is hard work to make the facial reconstruction, but they found out that the victim suffered from a disease very rear in the United States so they investigated in the Department of Public Health.

They identified the victim as Adam Pak, a married Korean guy. Before this, Sweets made a wrong analysis of everything they found and when Booth gave him the correct information Sweets started feeling overwhelmed.

The investigation leads Booth and Brenna to a couples retreat, something a little bit awkward given the situation they are going through, because it is a married couples retreat.

In Cam’s situation, Hodgins offered her the services of his lawyer, that way, he can help her to solve her situation, but Cam keeps denying anyone’s help.

In Brennan’s house, she and Angela keep talking about the situation with Booth. Brennan said to Angela that she is being mean with him and Angela asked her why she isn’t. The most awkward moment came when Booth got home and found Angela there… it really seemed a very awkward moment, they don’t really talk to each other, she is mad at him and he is mad at her putting Brennan against the wall.

As soon as Angela left their house, Booth and Brennan start to talk about the case. That’s when they agreed they have to go undercover to that retreat undercover as Tony and Roxy characters… I have to say, I love every time they go undercover, but God, Tony and Roxy are my favorites. The way they talk with that Jersey-Italian accent, how they dressed and even the way they walk is so funny and sexy.

At the retreat Tony and Roxy (but most of all Booth and Brennan) start to talk about their “secrets”. When the guy said to Brennan… Roxy in this case that maybe he uses her brain more than her heart Booth thinks the guy just made the point.

When all the couples at the retreat gather, Brennan and Booth found out that the victim and her… partner, who ended not being his wife, have a lot of problems and secrets between them.

“Everyone have something they’re afraid to tell their partner, but if you find the courage to open up is always for the best”… here is when the shaman actually touched a very sensitive point in Brennan giving her the opportunity to talk, and, as Roxy, she said that Tony has secrets to her.

In one of the funniest scenes in the episode Roxy said that she has a secret to share, telling “Tony” that she dislikes when he wears the beer hat in the bath, making him look foolish and making her feel that she married a child… I think I’m not the only one who thinks that it was a complaint from Brennan and not form Roxy, and the best part is when he answer “Are you kidding me” and she said “No Tony I ain’t” with that “Tony and Roxy “accent.

Once “boys and girls” are separated they go to have girls and boys talks.

Brennan, as usual, can’t hide her scientific talk when one of the girls started to talk about the toxins they are sweating, causing that the girls to almost catch her but, saving the talk with a distraction. I think this scene is really funny, because Brennan made some kind of ritual to call one of the girl’s ancestors, it really made me laugh the way she start to shake pretending she is actually calling the spirits, just to get some information of the victim’s “girlfriend”.

In the lab everybody is working in the case but also, they are trying to find a way to help Cam, so, Angela started to search into Cam’s finances, to see if she can help her solve her problem. I think this was one of the sweetest things in this episode, because, even when Cam kept denying that she needed help, her coworkers didn’t give up and keep working and searching, and Arastoo really gave his support to her.

Is in this episode when Sweets started to think that he wants to leave; he talked to Angela and told her that he wants to leave for a while – something that doesn’t really like to her. He thinks that at the moment he is not really doing what he’s supposed to do, help people, individuals, and referred to himself as a healer. Obviously the whole thing with Pelant affect too much to Sweets, making him think about leaving, and feeling guilty just like anyone else.

Back in the retreat Tony and Roxy had to participate in the exercise of trust and communication. I have to admit, I stop breathing watching this scene. Booth dressed like a sumo wrestler going through a course guided by Brennan. It was so funny to see Booth that way because, his character can be funny with some things, but watching him like that was something I would never expect.

After Brennan finished the course, she discovered that the course could be the murder scene, so they interrogate the shaman finally telling them who they actually were.

The shaman said they have no jurisdiction there, but it didn’t stop them so they kept searching but now out of the retreat.

In the sweetest thing that Arastoo could do, he took some lunch for Cam, knowing that at the moment, her finances are not the best. I love the scenes between Cam and Arastoo because they are so romantic to each other and Arastoo support so much Cam at that hard moment.

Later Angela went and talked to Cam saying what she has being doing to help her causing Cam to cry, I think of happiness because she realized she’s not alone on the problem.

Sweets at the end, decided he’s taking time off and announced it to Booth with a letter, something that doesn’t make Booth so happy.

Related to the case, the team discovered one of the couples of the retreat, the Schumachers were the murderers. The lady hit Adam in the head with an eight ball and when they saw he tried to run the husband ran him over.

At the end of the episode Booth and Brennan tried to put in practice something of what Brennan learned at the retreat.

I have to say this episode was amazing, it was so fun, form beginning to end, I laugh a lot, but also I felt so sorry for Cam, though, it was great to see the whole team working to help her go through the situation.

Bones Season 9 Episode 1 Review – The Secrets in the Proposal

Bones Season 9, Episode 1
“The Secrets in the Proposal”
Air Date: September 16, 2013

Well, after a very painful hiatus Bones is back with season 9. The first episode “The Secret in the Proposal” brought us a very hurt Brennan and a very mad, angry, furious Booth.

The episode started with Booth going to “confession” to a former priest, Aldo, an old friend of Booth from his time in the military.

“I lied to the woman I love” were Booth’s words to him, and the only words Booth felt secure to say in front of all those technologic devices, obviously feeling no kind of trust, knowing that Pelant is “watching him”.

Personally, I would have the same thought that Aldo has… this guy is paranoid, but after Booth confessed everything to him he started to understand the situation and how dangerous Pelant can be, advising Booth that the best thing to do was find him and kill him.

“Have you notice that a dead body always saves Booth from confronting his demons”, Sweets told to Caroline when they try to “Confront” Booth about what is happening.

Related to the case, they found human remains inside a fan from a hotel. At the scene we just found Brennan and Cam but when Booth got there the situation turned a little awkward between them. What I didn’t understand was why Booth was the one who acted a little mean to Brennan, avoiding her and unable to answered her phone calls.

The investigation leads Booth and Brennan to the hotel room where the murder victim was staying, where we could see more awkward time between them; first of all Brennan trying to avoid working with Booth something hat he notice, and making him try to explain why he didn’t answer her calls giving Brennan the opportunity to tell him that Angela say he is lying. Even when Booth said those words, “I’d die for you, I love you” Brennan wasn’t even able to believe in those words, and who could blame her, his actions spoke before his words.

In this episode the squint there was Daisy. I don’t really like her but I love when she and Hodgins make their experiments to find out what happened to the bodies. In this case, they have to “clean” the big fan, take out all the remains and try to find some evidence. They found an artificial stapes giving them the chance to identified the victim; Jonas Sidell, a worker from the State Department.

In this episode we also saw the hard situation between Booth and Angela. Many people could think that Angela is being mean to Booth, but, honestly, she is doing what anyone in her place would do, she is Brennan’s best friend, she knows she is hurt and , even when she doesn’t know Booth’s reasons, he is the man who hurt her friend.

Meanwhile, Brennan and Booth, mostly Brennan starts to feel desperate about the situation between them, “We will pass trough this” Booth told to Brennan causing her to react in a very understandable way asking him what are they gong through and making Booth have the desire of tell her the whole true, but realizing is not possible at that moment.

When Booth and Sweets go to check at the victims apartment they found Danny Beck, another of Booth’s army buddies who works for the CIA, and with this they found the murder victim was working for the CIA.

“When Temperance finds out you put her happiness ahead of the lives of 5 innocent people how will she react”, that question popped up in Aldo’s head to Booth, and that’s true. But is also true that Booth is a man of justice and, unfortunately he would do anything to protect anyone from dying, even if he has to sacrifice his own happiness or that of the woman he loves.

Brennan and Daisy found out that the cause of death was two blows to the head and Angela found a photo of the victim with a woman whom turned out to be the victim’s assistant.

After dig on evidence and interrogate suspect after suspect they found out that the murderer was a coworker of the victim who was in love with the girl he slept with, saying what everybody says, I didn’t mean to kill him… well at the end he killed him.

Getting back with Brennan and Booth, Brennan went to Aldo’s bar and he found out she was “Booth’s girl”, thank God for that man because he kind of convinced Brennan to have faith in Booth. He told her Booth wants to marry her more than she does, and that he has his reasons for what he’s doing. I think it was also Cam who helps Brennan’s trust return, because at the end, Brennan came home and gave Booth the most beautiful speech I’ve heard, though, he thought she was leaving him, that almost, broke my heart, his face thinking that was so sad, but the she said:

“I have absolute faith in you, I trust you… I know you love me and Christine and… I’m sorry I lost sight of that temporarily; you’re a good man, you have your reasons and when you can you’ll share them to me… I’m sorry.. but we’re fine… but next time is your turn to ask me to marry you…”

It was a good ending, everything most of us were expecting, Brennan getting again her trust in Booth and understanding that, he did what he did for a good reason, even if she doesn’t know that reason, but that is love, trust in your partner right.

The bad thing of the end, Pelant makes himself present, changing the time at the clock (the magic number 4:47) and we all realize he really has something to do with this number.

At the end I think it was the perfect season premiere episode.

Bones Season 2 Episode 3 Summary – The Boy in the Shroud

Bones Season 2, Episode 3
“The Boy in the Shroud”
Air Date: September 13, 2006

The Crime: We open with the FBI going through bags of trash at the scene of an accident where a semi tried to beat a yellow light and collided with a garbage truck. The victim is identified as an adolescent male who Hodgins says has been garbage for about three weeks. There are numerous fractions and breaks that Brennan says are congruent with a fall. The body seems to be wrapped in something and holding something in his hand. Brennan says “everything” goes back to the lab.

The Bodies on the Table: Camille can’t get fingerprints and Zack says FBI is working on dental records. There are multiple shards of lead glass in the remaining tissue, and the contusions on the skull and his broken neck suggest a “swan dive”. He was dropped, but not hard enough to kill. His bones suggest he was unconscious before impact and Zack find that he was hit by a cylinder type object.

The Evidence: Angela analyzes the stains on the cloth and finds that the tissue stains create a photo-negative of his features. When she runs his picture through the Center for Missing and Exploited Persons Database, they find out he’s Dylan Crane, 17, and an honor student from Alexandria who disappeared three weeks ago with his girlfriend, Kelly Morris who was in the foster system. DNA from the under the victim’s fingernails is female and there’s nail polish from the gauges on the arms. There were also traces of rust found in the scratches and on the places where the victim was struck.

The Witnesses: The Cranes want to see their son, but Bones explains it’s not possible. They ask how he died and she says he fell from a height of about 50 feet. Booth and Brennan wonder if their son was despondent? They say no, he was a smart happy kid whose life centered around Kelly Morris. They were hoping the kids had run away together after they told Dylan to stop seeing her. They blame Kelly because of her foster child status.

Kelly’s foster mother, Suzanne, says Dylan was a good kid and a good influence on Kelly. He was also good to Kelly’s little brother Alex. Brennan asks if the couple was sexually active and the foster mom says she had caught them and had to forbid Kelly to bring Dylan into the house after that. She says Kelly and her brother are extremely close. Kelly knew that the foster mom was looking for a new home for them because she couldn’t keep them both. During the interview, Alex comes into the office asks if Dylan is alright. They explain he died and they ask if he knows where Kelly is. He says no.

Booth and Brennan talk to some street kids and gets nothing, but a couple in a van that hands out sandwiches, medicine and condoms has information. The Duncans know Dylan and Kelly and take Booth and Brennan to a warehouse where the kids squatted. The building where they were staying was a plumbing supply warehouse. At the building there’s a make-shift memorial with a copy of Romeo and Juliet that Dylan had given to Kelly.

Brennan stops a street kid that runs and is wearing Dylan’s jacket. He doesn’t want to talk with Booth but she gets him to open up based on her own foster care experience. He tells them to check out the “sandwich pervs”.

The Revelations: Hodgins quotes Romeo and Juliet to Zack and Brennan when he reveals that the flower in Dylan’s hand was a rose. From the trash that surrounded his body Hodgins is able to place the victim at a Russian restaurant. When Hodgins identifies the type of rose that was found in Dylan’s hand, they find that Dylan would have had to have been at the Rose Wing of the US Botanic Garden at some point.

When interrogating Mr. Duncan, the sandwich guy, it becomes obvious that he had propositioned Kelly and tried to trade sandwiches for sex. Despite his protests that he has changed, he hasn’t. Later, he ends up on Cam’s autopsy table. He’s been shot and they think the murders could be connected.

Hodgins identifies the pipe and Cam asks Angela to run the scenario through the computer, but there are too may variables. They re-enact the argument. Brennan says there had to be a third person and they assume it’s Kevin Duncan, but that poses a problem. Why would Kelly confess to protect a dead man? Booth figures out there are only two people Kelly would cover for and one of them went out the window.

The Verdict: At the garden Hodgins and Bones find Kelly Morris. she takes the blame for killing Dylan and under interrogation says it was because he broke his promise and was leaving her. She says she pushed him out the window, he screamed and she ran away. But Brennan says no, you wrapped him in linen and put a rose in his hand.

When they say the sandwich guy died and they think the two deaths were connected she confesses to that murder too. The advocate stops the interrogation at that point.

At the diner, Brennan says Kelly’s lying and Booth says he’s trying to think of a reason why she would. Mrs. Duncan (sandwich guy’s wife) shows up and confesses to her husband’s death so Kelly won’t have to take the blame.

Kelly continues to say she’s guilty, but Brennan connects with her and explains that she thinks she ran away with Dylan so Suzanne would keep Alex and maybe everyone would be happy. She confesses Alex thought Dylan was trying to take her away from him forever. Brennan tells her that it’s not her fault and they can’t let her pay for what Alex did.

The Relationships: There’s tension in the beginning between Brennan, Booth and Cam. Booth and Cam jump to the assumption that the victim is a street kid and Bones has huge issues with these assumptions. Brennan is offended by Cam’s prejudices of kids in the foster system, having been a part of it as a child. She does not reveal that information to Cam, however.

The tension continues as Booth and Cam take the evidence and begin manipulating theories of what could have happened. Brennan hates this and goes off, saying before they convict Kelly of murder because she’s a foster kid she’s going to find actual evidence. She reminds them that Dylan died from a fall.

Later when it looks like Dylan was killed protecting Kelly, Brennan is drawn into the conjecture by her own prejudices, but when asked, still thinks they need to stay open to all the evidence like they did before Cam.

There is a confrontation scene where things between Brennan and Cam come to a head. Brennan wants Hodgins to identify the type of the rose Dylan was holding and Cam wants to look for the sandwich guy’s DNA on the pipe. When she tells Brennan no, Brennan says she can’t work like this. When Cam asks if she should start looking for her replacement, Angela jumps in and says if you lose Brennan – you lose us all. Cam says in the interest of the investigation she’ll defer to Brennan, but she will start the search for her replacement.

Later Cam asks Booth what would happen if Dr. Brennan were to quit the Jeffersonian. He asks what’s going on and she says, “What if I fired her?” He says, “I’m with Bones, Cam. All the way. Don’t doubt it for a second.” Then he tells her she may have gotten off on the wrong foot on the case with Brennan because she was a foster kid. Cam feels awful and Booth says to remember he didn’t tell her that.

In the end, Cam meets Brennan at the diner. they each admit the other was right about evidence. Brennan says they have a problem and confesses her foster care history and talks about the reasons Booth says it’s hard for her to give up control. She mentions how she hates psychology. Cam says not everyone’s brain works as fast as yours. She reminds Dr. Brennan that she’s in charge, but she could extend a “get out of jail free” card to her occasionally. They negotiate three per week. Brennan knows Booth told her.

There’s some flirtation between Angela and Hodgins in this episode when he misinterprets her statement about the squat being a strange place for two people in love to end up. In the awkwardness that follows his obvious interpretation that it was about the two of them, he covers that he was talking about Booth and Cam. In the end Hodgins puts the white rose next to Angela and she smiles as he walks out.

Bones Season 2 Episode 2 Summary – Mother and Child in the Bay

Bones Season 2 Episode 2
“Mother and Child in the Bay”
Air Date: September 6, 2006

The Crime: Booth and Brennan are called to the scene of a body that washes up on the Delaware Bay. Before they leave the Jeffersonian, Booth tells Brennan that it could be the body of Carlie Richardson. When she says “who?”, they banter about her lack of knowledge of television and current events. Booth says Carlie was a newlywed they assumed was murdered by her cheating husband. There was evidence that they fought. He was covered with scratches and seen at the marina on the bay the day of her disappearance, but without a body, he walked.

At the bay, a badly decomposed body wrapped in plastic is pulled from the water. Bones identifies it as caucasian, female, 25 – 30 years old, and says it’s been in the water about a year. Cam lifts the plastic and says “They have.” Brennan notes that the size of the fetal bones indicates the fetus was viable. Booth wonders how someone could do this to their own kid, still assuming Kyle is the murderer.

The Bodies on the Table: Zack says the multiple fractures on the woman’s body could be from assault or battering by rocks and debris in the water. There are stab wounds that prove it was a very violent death, missing bones, and a missing murder weapon. Bones asks Zack to confirm the knife that’s missing from the husband’s set matches the marks on the bone and Cam sets to work on the organic material under the fingernails. A locket is also found melted into the lung. It says “I love you, Kenny.” Not much is said about the baby.

The Evidence: The clothes on the body match the last thing Carlie Richardson was seen wearing and Booth delivers a box of stuff from Richardson’s house that contains rope, plastic sheeting, and a knife set with one missing. They also have Kyle’s DNA results for comparison and a dead fish from the plastic wrapping that leads Hodgin’s to a realization that breaks the case open.

The team re-enacts the stabbing with a dummy, hoping to match the amount of force used with that of a man of Kyle Richardson’s stature. They invite Booth because he’s closest to Kyle’s size. They’re all surprised when the force matches Angela’s height and weight. Karen Tyler, the girlfriend, is a similar size.

The Witnesses: Kyle Richardson’s girlfriend, Karen Tyler says Kyle hit her and ran after seeing the body had been found. She says they started dating after his wife went missing. Later after Dennis and Patricia Campbell, Carlie’s parents, prove she knew Kyle before that, the team takes her DNA. Karen explains she and Kyle were waiting to be together until after he and Carlie separated to make it look better.

A second group of witnesses is the mom’s group that Carlie formed with three other expectant mothers. They tell Booth and Brennan that Kenny was Carlie’s dog and the missing picture was of her and the canine. Mary Corbus, a veterinarian, took care of the dog when Kyle accidentally backed over it with the car. She throws doubt on whether it was an accident. Booth and Brennan show a picture of Karen to the friends, and when they hear she was the girlfriend, they say maybe that was why Carlie said she didn’t want the baby. The vet, says she’s pretty sure she saw Carlie and Karen together around the time of the murder.

The Revelations: The fish that Hodgin’s tests is a fresh water fish, proving that the body was moved from fresh water to the bay. When they dredge the closest body of fresh water, the sediment doesn’t match and the next body of water is over 60 miles away. This messes up the timeline. Kyle Richardson couldn’t have been at the murder site and the marina.

Particles in the cut marks lead Hodgins to the scene of the crime on the shore of a creek in New Jersey. Angela says thunderstorms carried Carlie and the baby to the bay. Cam says the DNA under Carlie’s nails belongs to Kyle, but there is also DNA from a woman and it’s not Karen Tyler’s.

The fetus had antidepressants in its system which could only have been transferred through breastfeeding. When the team looks more closely at the infant’s skull, they see the child was born alive and lived for two weeks. It’s not the Richardson’s baby. Their baby was cut out of Carlie, stolen, and replaced with the baby who died from shaken baby syndrome, probably as the result of its mother’s post partum depression.

The Verdict: When Angela inputs the infant’s skull dimensions into a program that shows what the child would have looked like as it aged, Booth and Brennan see the similarities with the killer. The killer used a scalpel and an antiseptic used to prep patients for surgery. All of this leads them to the vet, Mary Corbus.

The child is returned to his father, Kyle Richardson, who ran because everyone had already decided he was guilty. He was at the marina that night trying to figure out how to tell her Carlie he was leaving her for Karen.

The Relationships: As the episode begins, both Booth and Brennan are aggravated with other people. Brennan is having trouble adjusting to Cam’s authority and Booth is worried that Rebecca’s new boyfriend, Drew, might be taking his place in Parker’s life.

Rebecca confronts Booth regarding his overprotective and controlling behavior. She reminds him she doesn’t legally have to let him see Parker.

Brennan seems to be competing with Cam in everything from who can get to the site the quickest, to who Zack belongs to. The fact that Cam says finding the body should make it a slam dunk against Richardson only motivates Bones to prove her wrong. Cam asks her if she’s working for the defense, but Brennan says,“No, the victims.” Eventually she sees Cam wants the same thing.

Booth and Bones discuss parenthood in the car and Bones mentions she doesn’t know how mother’s do it, giving up their lives for years to raise the child. Booth says when it’s your kid, you don’t feel like you’re giving up anything. When asked if he’d have Parker all over again, even with all the Rebecca drama, Booth says no question.

At the diner, Booth and Brennan wait for Parker. When Rebecca and Drew both show up, too, Booth almost starts a fight. However, when he looks at Parker and Brennan he realizes that Parker is what matters. He invites them to have coffee and tells Bones she can stay. She says it’s a family thing and watches from the door before leaving.

Bones Season 2 Episode 1 Summary – The Titan on the Tracks

Bones Season 2 Episode 1
“The Titan on the Tracks”
Air Date: August 30, 2006

The Titan on the Tracks brilliantly sets up the main themes for season two while following the death of a basketball player/tycoon and a U.S. Senator.

The Crime: We open on a rainy night with Booth and Brennan racing towards a crime scene where they encounter a burning car, a passenger train off the tracks, and Camille Saroyan, Brennan’s new boss and Booth’s ex-lover. The placement of the car on the tracks seems deliberate, probably suicide. Brennan says the body in the car had a lot of jewelry, was male, tall, and wore and ID bracelet of good quality gold. It’s slightly melted, too melted for a car fire…oh, and she can’t find the missing skull. Cam comes running to let Booth know they found three bodies in the first class car which makes it a homicide. One of them is a senator.

The Bodies on the Table: Brennan says the body is 6’7″ and with Booth’s help, identifies him as a possible basketball player. Hodgin’s puts that together with the initials on the ID bracelet, and they identify him as Warren Lynch, a famous former basketball player and CEO of Lynch Pin Industries. Cam ID’s the senator as Paula Davis.

The Evidence: Zack and Brennan say it wasn’t a suicide. The man was dead for several hours before the train hit him based upon bone evidence. There’s a photo from the carpool lane of Mr. Lynch on the afternoon of the accident, but no one saw him in the hours between. The SEC was about to leak charges against Lynch for shorting stock. With his death, someone stood to gain tens of millions of dollars. Bone density analysis suggests bone loss and drug use. Was Warren Lynch a heroine addict? There were also two types of glass found at the scene, car window glass and glass from jars. After a spam experiment, Hodgins and Zack find that jars of accelerant had been placed in the car to make it burn hotter and longer.

The Witnesses: Booth and Brennan talk to the Lynch’s wife. They learn the victim’s motto was “accidentally on purpose” and that he didn’t play by the rules. He and his wife were separating due to many infidelities. She sends them to Rick Turco, one of Lynch’s private investigators. Booth threatens to open up a drug investigation on Turco, but Turco says he doesn’t believe Lynch was a junkie. Warren Lynch brought him in to deal with a blackmailer that was probably more serious than a scorned girlfriend. Turco paid the blackmailer off three days before.

The Revelations: The Angelatron shows that the skull Zack pieced together belonged to a man whose face wasn’t that of Warren Lynch. Therefore, the body in the car isn’t him. Angela discovers faked dental records. The Angelatron also recreates the sequence of damage to victim’s body. This let’s us know that the corpse was forced into a jacket by two people. Pictures from the carpool lane expose Turco as being in the car in the next lane when Lynch was last seen. Therefore they conclude Turco was possibly the last person to see him.

Later, they find Warren Lynch in the hospital. He was thrown from a speeding car, unconscious, and badly beaten. The severe brain damage means that he won’t wake up and can’t ever tell them what happened. After Brennan stares at the dolphin belt buckle that was so important to her mother that her dad buried her with it, she realizes that in the hospital, Lynch still had his championship ring. He had to have been in on it.

The Verdict: They confront Turco, who of course denies everything, and blames the blackmailer. When Booth’s about to give up, Brennan tells him to try the “lying thing” and gives him the piece of information that makes Turco believe Lynch woke up. It works. The prosecutor tells them at most they can get Turco for ten years. She insults the Jeffersonian team when she implies their forensic work wasn’t good enough. However, Cam steps up to the plate, calling the team her “people” and puts the prosecutor in her place.

The Relationships: Throughout the episode, two themes that flow through all season two appear. Is Brennan’s Dad a good guy or a bad guy? Who is Cam and can she be an effective and accepted part of the gang?

Brennan struggles through the question about her father by talking to Booth. He takes her to meet the man who took out her mother’s killer and she’s upset because she thinks she’ll never know what happened. However, the murderer says to see McVicar’s death as a message from Max. This only confuses her more. If her dad took out a hit on a man isn’t he bad? Booth says maybe not.

He later takes her to her mother’s grave, where she awkwardly attempts to connect with her mother at his request, even though she believes that her mom is 100% dead and can’t hear her. She asks out loud whether her dad was a good man or a bad man. She says, “What’s the truth? Do I keep looking or let it go like he asked? Who’s he protecting himself? Or me and Russ?” Booth tells her the answers won’t come right away.

As far as Camille Saroyan is concerned, the episode shows us that she and Seeley Booth knew each other before and have a good friendship, but that she didn’t come back for him. She’s there for the job opportunity. It also makes clear that she’s a people person, as evidenced by the nicknames she gives the group (Zacaroni and Hodge Podge), and how quickly she learns what’s important to them. She asserts her authority over her team, but also let’s them know she has their back. While it takes Brennan most of the show to decide, in the end she finds Cam worthy of respect.